COVID-19: protecting our community
We are committed to providing you, our employees, with updates regarding coronavirus, COVID-19.
Travel and self-isolation guidance, along with prevention advice and resources to help keep you, your colleagues and community around you safe and healthy, can be found on this page, which we are regularly updating.
请注意, this is secondary to, and in support of, local jurisdiction and government guidance where you live and work. If you are working in a location experiencing a rapid rise in cases, please ensure you are staying briefed on local health and government guidance, and refer to the World Health Organisation site.
Guidance on travel:
Based on travel recommendations from government and public health organizations, all domestic and international non-essential travel has been postponed.
Remote working:
We are recommending our employees work from home where possible and use virtual tools to connect with clients and partners.
All Wood project sites and offices are complying with local jurisdictional requirements to contain COVID-19. This may include shut down and quarantine as to safeguard our employees’ health and safety and communities around them and we will keep our people updated as changes to guidance occurs.
Guidance on self-isolation:
If you are working in a location experiencing a rise in cases, employees should work from home where practical and possible, and their role allows.
Employees who are vulnerable and deemed high risk (over 60 and/or with underlying health conditions) are encouraged to work from home.
If you have travelled to high transmission countries in the last two weeks for business or personal reasons, please ensure you follow the quarantine restrictions required by both Wood and in the jurisdiction if additional to those required by the business. As a minimum you should undertake a 14-day period of self-quarantine.
Self-isolation guideGuidance on social distancing:
Social distancing is part of a range of measures to stop or slow the spread of infectious diseases. It means less contact between you and other people. The more space between you and others, the harder it is for the virus to spread.
If you are sick, stay away from others – that is the most important thing you can do. You should also practice good hand and sneeze/cough hygiene:
- wash your hands frequently with soap and hot water
- cover your cough and sneeze, dispose of tissues, and use alcohol-based hand sanitiser, and
- if unwell, avoid contact with others (stay more than 2 metres or 6 feet from people).
Please continue to monitor government and public health guidance to ensure safety:
Employee Assistance Programme:
We understand we are working in unprecedented times, and our employee assistance programme (EAP) is available for all Wood employees, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If you are based in Norway, 点击这里 for EAP information.
If you are based in the United Kingdom, 点击这里 for EAP information.
If you are based in the United States, 点击这里 for EAP information.
For our employees based in any other country in the world, 点击这里 for EAP information.