We believe the power to create a better tomorrow starts with us. 通过我们做出的选择, we all play our part in creating a sustainable future for future generations.
关于可持续性的讨论一直在演变, as is the action needed to tackle the global challenge sustainable development presents. We seek to empower our people and leaders with the knowledge to deliver sustainable stewardship on a range of topics across the social, 环境和经济议程. 提供信息, support and tools to make informed decisions day to day, we aim to influence behaviours on a range of topics to reach our vision of a better tomorrow and a future we seek to protect.
Empowering our people to take ownership of their actions, starts with education. 对所有员工开放, our internal sustainability training academy houses a series of e-learning modules covering a range of sustainability topics, linked to our goals and the topics material to sustainable development. 可通过桌面和移动设备访问, each training package is broken down into short bite-size modules to help our people understand key sustainability issues and their part to play in contributing sustainable action. From our foundation modules explaining sustainability and sustainable development, our growing training academy consists of a range of focus topics including carbon and plastic reduction, human rights and the importance of investing in our communities.
表扬我们的内部培训, Wood has also published two external guides to reducing single use plastics and taking climate action. Each guide seeks to promote action in the workplace and at home that supports sustainable use of resource, with suggestions to adapt everyday behaviour and our consumption habits.
这两个指南都可以从我们的 政策及文件 页面.
支持每年的全球认可日, we seek to raise awareness on sustainable development topics through promoting global issues of importance that seek to entice action and support from our people. 在木历法中, we advocate and promote several recognition dates that promote social, 环境和经济可持续发展.
除了这些日期, our annual 可持续性 Week at the end of September gives an opportunity to learn, celebrate and share the actions we take that contribute to global sustainability. Aligned to the anniversary launch of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the week focuses on the actions of our employees and sustainability goals that seek to deliver our own decade of change.
自形成木, we have observed a number of global calendar events dedicated to environmental awareness. 连结到每个认可日的主题, 我们关注我国人民的行动, as well as the services we deliver that support the environment.
Shining a light on a range of social issues that focus on supporting a fair transition to a greener future, we seek to promote inclusive growth that leaves nobody behind in our vision of a better tomorrow. 伍德历法中的关键日期包括:
Growing our business through the lens of sustainability requires an engaged and empowered workforce, passionate about delivering sustainable solutions to all our stakeholders that contributes to global sustainability priorities. 通过我们的工作, 以及我们如何选择提供我们的解决方案, we commit to operate with ethics and integrity in all that we do, 实现更可持续的, 适应力强、宜居的世界.
Striving to create a culture where our people choose to do the right thing, we place a continued focus on our code of conduct and the decisions our people make, that helps to shape our reputation as a partner of choice. Through our annual ethics training and communication plan, we promote regular discussion and debate on how we conduct our business; Extending the conversation to our external stakeholders on the work we do and our impact on sustainable development, our presence and commitment on the world stage at key events such as the United Nations Climate Change conference (COP) and Davos, help us work together on collective challenges towards a more prosperous future.